
Default android studio gitignore
Default android studio gitignore

default android studio gitignore

I am not sure if this could potentially be resolved by updating my git ignore file. I have to do this solution each time as well which does end up working.

default android studio gitignore

This occurs each time a commit is made from either myself or another collaborator. CocoaPods’s specs repository is too out-of-date to satisfy dependencies.This solutions works each time however each commit removes it for some reason, having me redownload it from firebase and adding the ist in XCode each time.

default android studio gitignore

  • Build stuck in ‘Compiling, linking and signing.
  • I am encountering several different issues that I believe are all related and am looking for some help with regards to what items should be added to gitignore to prevent issues when working on this repo with other collaborators. I have a flutter GitHub repo which only has the following git ignore items.

    Default android studio gitignore